The 2023 version of PaintShop Pro has three completely new features: Focus Stacking, AfterShot Lab, and Snap to Objects (more on these new features in a bit). So if you aren't committed to the Adobe ecosystem and are looking to save money, PaintShop Pro is a worthy alternative. And while Photoshop still has an undeniable advantage, PaintShop Pro is now faster than earlier versions and its interface has improved greatly over the years. You still miss out on some of Photoshop's most advanced tools, but the gap is getting narrower. PaintShop Pro supports layers and lets you edit both raster and vector image formats-something you need two of Adobe's Creative Cloud apps to do. Photoshop is a magnificent tool, but many of its users can get everything they need in Corel's photo editing software, PaintShop Pro, without having to pay a monthly fee to Adobe. How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication.

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